Riddle lover? Take this challenge and see what your score is.
1. When you need me
You throw me away.
When you're done with me,
You bring me back.
What am I?
2. We see it once in a year, twice in a week but never in a day. What am I?
3. Many have heard me,
But nobody has seen me.
I wil not speak back
Until spoken to.
What am I?
4. What has hands but can't clap?
5. I am tall when I am young,
I am short when I am old.
What am I?
6. What travels around the world but stays in the same spot?
7. Throw away the outside and cook the inside,
Then eat the outside and throw away the inside.
What am I?
8. What is at the end of the rainbow?
9. 500 is in my end and at my start, yet 5 is at my heart.
The first letter and the first number make me complete.
My name is that of a king.
Who am I?
10. What five letter word become shorter when two letters are added to it?
11. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you will die. What is it?
12. What can you catch but can't throw?
13. If I have it I can't share it. If I share it, I can't have it. What is it?
14. What has one eye but can't see?
15. Take away my first letter and I will still sound the same.
Take away my last letter and I will still sound the same.
Take away my middle letter I will still sound the same.
I am a five letter word. What am I?
16. What starts with letter 't' is filled with 't' and ends with 't'?
17. How do you make number one disappear?
18. There is an ancient invention still used today that allows people to see through walls. What is it?
19. What is the
3/7 chicken
2/3 cat
1/2 goat
Guess the city Name.
20. I am the son of water but when I return to water I die. Who am I?
- An anchor
- The letter 'E'
- An echo
- A clock
- A candle
- A stamp
- Corn on cob
- The letter 'W'
- Short
- Nothing
- Cold
- A secret
- Needle
- Empty
- A teapot
- Add letter 'G' to it and it's GONE.
- Window
- Chicago
- Ice
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